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  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds

GOST R 58952.1-2020

Automobile roads of general use. Road bituminous emulsions. Technical requirements

Section: State standards (GOST)

Document: GOST R 58952.1-2020

GOST R 58952.1-2020 applies to road bitumen emulsions, including road bitumen-polymer emulsions used as binders in construction, reconstruction, overhaul, repair (current repair) and maintenance of roads, and sets technical requirements.

The scope of application of cationic and anionic emulsions is given in Appendices A and B, respectively.

Compliance with areas of accreditation

Included in the scope of accreditation

Destructive & Other Types of Tests:

  • Определение температуры размягчения, температуры хрупкости, изменения массы после прогрева битумов н
  • Испытания материалов на основе органических вяжущих для дорожного и аэродромного строительства
  • Битум нефтяной дорожный вязкий и жидкий



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