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SP 42-101-2003

The general provision and construction gas distribution sistem from steel and polyethyelene pipes

Section: Sets of rules for the construction and engineering (SP)

Document: SP 42-101-2003

The provisions of SP 42-101-2003 apply to newly constructed and reconstructed gas distribution systems, the rules and regulations for the design and construction of which are regulated by SNiP 42-01. This SP contains general provisions regarding the use of steel and polyethylene pipes. Features of the design, construction of new and reconstruction of worn-out gas pipelines are given in SP 42-102 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes" and SP 42-103 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes and reconstruction of worn-out gas pipelines", respectively.

Compliance with areas of accreditation

Included in the scope of accreditation

Objects of control: 2, 2.1.2, 2.2, 2.3.



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